Your forage-making advantage across feed programs
Whether your feed program includes a single species or a combination of crops, Sila-Prime will be an effective tool for creating an ideal fermentation environment. The microorganisms are proven to act effectively with the following crops:
- Baled hay
- Haylage (alfalfa + clover)
- Corn silage
- Forage sorghum
- Grasses
- High moisture ground grain
Sound fermentation avoids a host of problems
Initiating proper fermentation early matters to all species. The first four to five days are absolutely critical. Successful nutrient retention is closely related to avoiding common problems like over-heating and run-off. Lactobacillus and other microorganisms in Sila-Prime act immediately on application to create the proper environment for sound fermentation, preventing these common problems and creating a crop with more protein and energy.
The baled hay example
Putting up hay at the right moisture level is a challenge for producers. At moisture levels of 15 percent or more, over-heating is a risk. Alternatively, nutrients are often lost to weather damage and leaf shatter when hay is allowed to dry too much before baling. Sila-Prime allows baling at moisture levels up to 30%. This means hay can be baled earlier, making it less susceptible to weather damage and improving preservation of substantive dry matter.